Sharing of difficulties, commitments, actions within the framework of the humanist culture in companies
Last Thursday, 6 October 2022, took place at the headquarters of the company “Royo Group” in Quart de Poblet (Valencia), a Day of Exchange of Experiences between the sponsoring and collaborating companies of the IECO-UV Chair of Business Ethics, Royo Group, RNB, Guzmán Global and Bella Aurora Labs, participants in the 2nd International Workshop IECO-RCC held last May at Harvard in the framework of the humanist culture in organizations.
An International Workshop on Humanist Management, held at the Royal Complutense College of Harvard by the Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organisations IECO of the University of Valencia. There, the foundations were laid for a Decalogue of Good Practices, ten organizational commitments that companies with a humanistic way of conceiving people, the purpose of their organization, and the ways of being productive and achieving profits can join.
The III Experience Sharing Workshop was held on Thursday 6th October and was led by Raúl Royo, President and CEO of Royo Group and Manuel Guillén, Director of the IECO Institute. This has been an excellent framework for each organization to express their conclusions after attending the Workshop in the USA, in which aspects of their day to day have already implemented the commitments of the Decalogue, the next steps to follow and the roadmap for 2023, all taking into account that all companies share circumstances, concerns and objectives.
Among their representatives were entrepreneurs Vicente Ruiz, president of RNB, Raúl Royo, president and CEO of Royo Group, Fidel García-Guzmán, CEO of Guzmán-Global, Marisa Luz Silva, director of communication at Bella Aurora Labs together with Rita Jácome, Executive Director of IECO and Luis Pérez, professor at the European University of Valencia. They all addressed and advocated the need to build a “Culture of Dignity” in the company, in which people know how to ask, listen, and respond to each person, a “Culture of Care” that ensures a job well done, emotional security and the pursuit of the common good and a professional, affective and ethical “Culture of Trust”, based on an optimal way of working: constant, intense and orderly.
The aim of these meetings for executives and managers of the Chair’s patron companies is to reflect on and exchange experiences on aspects related to business ethics and trust in institutions and companies.
On 26 January next, a conference will be held in Madrid for companies committed to the principles of Humanist Leadership. Business executives with a desire to learn, to share and with the desire to contribute to the common good. Matthew T. Lee, is Director of Empirical Research at the Human Flourishing Program in the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University, will be the keynote speaker.
Translated by: Elena Samper