“The Great Book” Program videos

The program consists on encounters of reflexion and dialogue regarding some of the greater books ever written. Its main objective is to learn how to integrate knowledge that allows us to have a better understanding of the fundamental problems that can be faced today in the area of ethics, communication within organizations, and also on a personal, familiar, professional and social level.

Gatherings to reflect and to dialog around great readings to search together for the truth, goodness and beauty that is in the works of some of the greatest writers and thinkers in the world.

[Videos in Spanish]

The first word of the Iliad 

Book: The Iliad – Homer.
Teller: Prof. Antonio Lastra, PhD.

Averroism in paradise

Book: The Divine Comedy – Dante.
Teller: Prof. Antonio Lastra, PhD.

The knowledge of God, beyond Geometry 

Book: The Thoughts – Pascal.
Teller: Prof. Ginés Marco, PhD.

The indissociable connection between virtue thought and virtue lived

Book: The Apology of Socrates – Plato.
Teller: Prof. Ginés Marco, PhD.

To be or not to be, the question about Hamlet

Book: Hamlet – Shakespeare.
Teller: Prof. Tomás Baviera, PhD.

The Burrow of Kafka

Book: The Burrow – Kafka.
Teller: Prof. Tomás Baviera, PhD.