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June 10-12, 2024


If you want to attend the IV Management Workshop Humanist IECO-RCC in Harvard, June 10-12 of 2024, read the application
complete and fill in all
necessary spaces between the
provided information.

Don’t forget to submit the form
at the BOTTOM of the page when
has finished!

    Program fee: 5.000€
    Bank Account Transfer addressed to:
    Beneficiary “IECO de la Fundación COSO”
    BANK: Caixabank
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: SWIFT / BIC ES75 2100 8681 5502 0002 3070
    Concept: (Complete) Name & Company

    The price of the Workshop covers Program Fee, Exclusive Participation, Meals and Dinners.
    Travel expenses and hotel are not included.

    PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited. Full payment is required in order to make a reservation in the IV Humanistic Management Workshop.
    CANCELLATION POLICY: Due to program demand and the organization of the activities, cancellations or deferrals received:
    *On or before April 15, 2023 only 50% of the total price-fee will be refunded.
    *On or before May 5, 2023 only 25% of the total price-fee will be refunded.
    *No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations made after May 5, 2023.

    TRAVEL / MEDICAL INSURANCE: Participants are responsible for securing their own personal traveler’s insurance and medical insurance to cover them during their travel and three-day stay during the HM Workshop. The HM Workshop and its organizers will not be held responsible for any incidents during participants’ travel or participation on the Program.
    For questions or comments, please contact:
    Rita Jácome
    IECO Executive Director
    School of Economics
    University of Valencia
    Avda. de los Naranjos s/n
    46022 Valencia (Spain)
    Phone. (+34) 657 746 067

    This questionnaire will allow us to correctly identify the profile of participants. The information provided will be held confidential and will only be used to facilitate and achieve the expectations of our participants. Please fill out the questionnaire to complete the application:


    Your personal data will be collected by the IECO in order to organize the activity “Iv Humasitic Management Worskshop IECO-RCC at Harvard”. If you click “I accept” box, you give your consent to send you information about future IECO activities. If you want to know your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or limitations of your data treatment, or to obtain more information please visit our privacy policy