Seventh International Colloquium IECO-RCC
Ethics and Trust Matter in Business: A tribute to the Legacy of W. Michael Hoffman
Harvard University, April 4th, 2019
Sixth International Colloquium IECO-RCC
Trust Based Management: practical ways of humanizing business
Harvard University, March 22nd, 2018
Fifth International Colloquium IECO-RCC
Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust
Harvard University, March 23rd, 2017
Fourth International Colloquium IECO-RCC
Building Trust in Organizations through Meaningful work
Harvard University, April 4th, 2016
Third IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Developing Trust and Ethically Healthy Organizations through Humanistic Management
Harvard University, March 27, 2015
Second IECO-RCC International Colloquium
The role of moral and spiritual motivation in building trust in organizations
Harvard University, April 3, 2014
First International Colloquium IECO-RCC
Building trust in organizations: the role of ethics, values and dignity
Harvard University, April 4th, 2013
Fourth IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Loving through work: a way of dignifying professional work
Santiago Martínez.
Harvard University, April 4th, 2016
Fourth IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Building Trust in Organizations through Meaningful work
Donna Hicks.
Francis J. Daly.
Michael G. Pratt.
Santiago Martínez.
William English.
Harvard University, April 4th, 2016
Foruth IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Putting ideas into practice: making meaningful work – Participants’ short testimonial
Participants of the colloquium IECO-RCC.
Harvard University, April 4th, 2016
Fourth IECO-RCC International Colloquium
The key to build trust through meaningful work – Answers from the panelists
Participantes en los coloquios IECO-RCC.
Harvard University, April 4th, 2016
IECO Seminar
Happiness Economy [Spanish]
Francisco Gómez.
Facultad d’Economia, Universitat de València, December 5th, 2015
Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict in Business Organization
Donna Hicks.
Valencia University, October 7, 2015
Understanding conflict in business
Donna Hicks.
ADEIT (Valencia), October 6, 2015
Third IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Promoting ethically healthy organizations, and a higher CSR moral quality
Michael O’Mara Shimek.
Harvard University, March 27, 2015
Third IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Developing trust and ethically healthy organizations through humanistic management
Donna Hicks.
Michael O’Mara Shimek.
Michael Pirson.
Nien-hê Hsieh.
William English.
Harvard University, March 27, 2015
IECO-RCC International Colloquiums
The experience of attending the Colloquiums – Distinguished participants’ testimonials
Participantes en los coloquios IECO-RCC.
Harvard University, March 27, 2015
Third IECO-RCC International Colloquium
The key to develop ethically healthy organizations – Answers from some participants
Participantes en los coloquios IECO-RCC.
Harvard University, March 27, 2015
Social Responsibility of Professionals [Spanish]
Pilar García Lombardía.
Valencia University, February 9, 2015
Trust in family relationships [Spanish]
Manuel Guillén.
PREF Valencia, May 29, 2014
International Symposium
Training and personal development at work : Deepening human motivation [Spanish]
Manuel Guillén.
University of Navarra , May 23, 2014
Second IECO -RCC International Colloquium
Transitive motivations and trust: the logic of giving
Tomás Baviera.
Harvard University, April 3, 2014
Second IECO-RCC International Colloquium
The neglected ethical and spiritual motivations in the workplace
Manuel Guillén.
Harvard University, April 3, 2014
Second IECO-RCC International Colloquium
The role of moral and spiritual motivation in building trust in organizations
Donna Hicks.
Manuel Guillén.
Sandra Waddock.
Tomás Baviera.
William English.
Harvard University, April 3, 2014
Introduction to the logic of gift: dynamism and possibilities [Spanish]
Tomás Baviera.
Colegio Mayor Albalat , University of Valencia , May 11, 2013
First IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Building trust: the role of ethics
Manuel Guillén.
Harvard University, April 4, 2013
First IECO-RCC International Colloquium
Building trust in organizations: the role of ethics, values and dignity
Donna Hicks.
Manuel Guillén.
Mary Gentile.
Michael Hoffman.
Robert McNulty.
William English.
Harvard University, April 4, 2013
Ethics in Organizations
This video corresponds to the introductory session to a course on Business Ethics for young students. In 8 minutes, Prof. Manuel Guillén explains what is ethics about, what is business ethics and why do we need ethics in business.
The content of this video is part of these other 7 videos (in Spanish) of his book on Fundamentals of Management titled: “Ética en las organizaciones: Construyendo confianza” (“Ethics in organizations: Building trust”).
Because of its distinct practical character and its introductory content to the subject, these videos constitute a valuable resource for any professional of the organizational world who consider important understanding the dynamisms within generation and destruction of trust in the organization. Here you can find practical rationality criteria to better your organizations.
“The Great Book” Program videos
The program consists on encounters of reflexion and dialogue regarding some of the greater books ever written. Its main objective is to learn how to integrate knowledge that allows us to have a better understanding of the fundamental problems that can be faced today in the area of ethics, communication within organizations, and also on a personal, familiar, professional and social level.
Gatherings to reflect and to dialog around great readings to search together for the truth, goodness and beauty that is in the works of some of the greatest writers and thinkers in the world.
[Videos in Spanish]
The first word of the Iliad
Book: The Iliad – Homer.
Teller: Prof. Antonio Lastra, PhD.
Averroism in paradise
Book: The Divine Comedy – Dante.
Teller: Prof. Antonio Lastra, PhD.
The knowledge of God, beyond Geometry
Book: The Thoughts – Pascal.
Teller: Prof. Ginés Marco, PhD.
The indissociable connection between virtue thought and virtue lived
Book: The Apology of Socrates – Plato.
Teller: Prof. Ginés Marco, PhD.
To be or not to be, the question about Hamlet
Book: Hamlet – Shakespeare.
Teller: Prof. Tomás Baviera, PhD.
The Burrow of Kafka
Book: The Burrow – Kafka.
Teller: Prof. Tomás Baviera, PhD.
Videos to bring ethics teaching to the classrooms. These are resources designed to serve as a support for the teaching of ethics applied to graduate and postgraduate degrees, masters and Business ethics seminars.
Concepts related to the existent interrelation between ethics and organization are explained in a easy and practical way: the ethical dimension of actions and their responsibilities, decision making, directive leadership, reputation, RSE, ethics health within organizations, etc. Furthermore, several videos are included with case studies made by students about real business and enterprises.
Resources for educators (Spanish)
Proyecto Ética Facultad de Economía (Universidad de Valencia)
Introducción a la Ética Empresarial
Manuel Guillén
La persona y su acción ética y toma de decisiones
Santiago Martínez
Reputación personal y excelencia ética
Rita Jácome
Relación entre Ética y RSE
Manuel Guillén
El papel de la Ética en las motivaciones humanas
Manuel Guillén
Grados de salud ética en las organizaciones
Manuel Guillén
Ética empresarial y Liderazgo Directivo I
Santiago Martínez
Ética Empresarial y Liderazgo Directivo II
Santiago Martínez
Confianza y lealtad en las relaciones interpersonales e intraprofesionales
Ginés Marco
Equilibrio personal y profesional: Claves para una sostenibilidad global
Ángela Callejón
Sentido trabajo universitario: Reflexiones desde la Ética
Manuel Guillén
Do we need ethics in business?
Danilo Petranovich: Is education in humanities important for thriving organizations and societies?
Mesa 3 Papel de las organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en los procesos de detección y prevención de
Practical cases
Trabajo Spa Gowex
Caso de contaminación Volkswagen
Ethics and CSR in Volkswagen
Ethics & CSR in Ilunion Hotels. IECO Motivation Matrix
Ética y RSE en ILUNION
Webinars and academics and businessmen interviews which tackle different matters related to business ethics, the purpose of work and the performance within organizations.