William English, PhD., Harvard University.
Mary Gentile, PhD., Babson College.
Manuel Guillén, PhD., Valencia University.
Donna Hicks, PhD., Harvard University.
Robert E. McNulty, PhD., Bentley University.
Michael Hoffman, PhD., Bentley University (Moderator).
This colloquium, organized by the Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO) and the RCC at Harvard University, has brought together leading scholars and practitioners to shed light on what it takes to promote an environment in the work place that brings out the best in people, creating not only trust, but an organization that thrives.
The speakers have addressed several key questions such as trust, acknowledgement of dignity and the respect to the employees’ values. The Q&A session was fueled by the interest of the audience in bringing to reality the ideas proposed in the symposium.
Videos recorded by Media & Technology Services, Harvard University.

1. Building trust in organizations: the role of ethics, values and dignity — Colloquio Completo
2. W. Michael Hoffman: Building trust: an introduction for a debate
3. William English: Building trust: an explanation
4. Donna Hicks: Building trust: the role of dignity
5. Manuel Guillén: Building trust: the role of ethics
6. Mary Gentile: Building trust: giving voice to values
7. Robert E. McNulty: Building trust: expected economic performance