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Leon Goldman, Bentley University.

Donna Hicks, Harvard University.

Rita Jácome, IECO-UV Business Ethics Chair.

Kevin Majeres, Harvard University.

Richard Weissbourd, Harvard University.

Danilo Petranovich, Abigail Adams Institute (Moderator).

On March 23 took place the Fifth International Colloquium IECO-RCC Harvard that brought together more than forty academics and professionals from Boston, Washington and Chicago area. Among them, a lively dialogue has been promoted around the challenge of the education to the Millennial generation on ethical principles to influence the future of the organizations. This colloquium was promoted four years ago by Professor Manuel Guillén, director of the IECO and Representative of the University of Valencia at the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard.

The reflection of this fifth edition of this  Colloquium has revolved around the role of educators as mentors and reference models when they have to train millennial generations on issues related to business ethics. The speakers have shown from various perspectives that intellectual training and technical skills are only a part of the education. The training would be incomplete if there is not a clear focus on service to the common good, where personal growth itself must include the desire to help the growth of others.

Videos recorded by Media & Technology Services, Harvard University.

1. Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard

2. Introduction to the Colloquium: Educating Millennials. Danilo Petranovich | IECO – AAI – Harvard

3. Has business ethics education failed? Leon Goldman | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard

4. What is missing in our education of future leaders? Donna Hicks | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard

5. What are ‘millennials’ expecting from us as educators? Rita Jácome | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard

6. Are we helping millennials to enjoy working at their best? Kevin Majeres | IECO – AAI – Harvard

7. Are we preparing children to be caring and ethical citizens? Richard Weissbourd | IECO – Harvard

8. Educating Millennials – Participants’ short testimonial | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard

9. Educating Millennials – Insights from the panelists | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard