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Donna Hicks, PhD, Harvard University.

Nien-he Hsieh, PhD, Harvard University.

Michael O’Mara Shimek, PhD, Catholic University of Valencia.

Michael Pirson, PhD, Fordham University.

William English, PhD, Harvard University (Moderator).

In March 27th, 2015, the third IECO-RCC International Colloquium addressed the topic “Developing Trust and Ethically Healthy Organizations through Humanistic Management”. It was organized by the Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO) and the Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) at Harvard University. This year, the question of trust and the ethical health of organizations, and its development through Humanistic Management, inspired a lively discussion among the speakers and the audience.

Members of the panel discussed whether and how managers ought to be guided not only by considerations of economic efficiency, but also by norms, values and virtues that promote trust and ethically healthy organizations. These contribute to the “human enrichment” of its members and stakeholders, fulfilling the larger purpose of companies of benefiting all members of society. As a core element of the discussion, panelists raised awareness of the value and vulnerability of all human beings. The goal was to help shaping a business world in which everyone is considered invaluable, priceless and irreplaceable people. Panelists presented a Humanistic Management vision that protects human dignity while promoting human well-being in an economic system.

Photographer: Santiago Martinez. Videos recorded by Media & Technology Services, Harvard University.

1. Developing trust and ethically healthy organizations through humanistic management — Coloquio Completo

2. William English: Ethically healthy organizations, trust and humanistic management: introduction

3. Michael O’Mara Shimek: Promoting ethically healthy organizations, and a higher CSR moral quality

4. Nien-hê Hsieh: Distinguishing humanistic management from other accounts of management

5. Michael Pirson: Humanistic management, human dignity and the promotion of the common good

6. Donna Hicks: The role of dignity in the development of trust and ethically healthy organizations

7. Testimonials from some participants: The experience of attending the Colloquiums

8. The key to develop ethically healthy organizations – Respuestas de algunos participantes