Joaquin Aldas-Manzano (PhD in business and economics, Universitat de València, Spain) is Professor of Marketing in the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Universitat de València, Researcher of Valencia Economics Research Institute (Ivie) and Visiting Research Fellow of the University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK). He is the directing the university ranking U-Ranking created by Ivie and Fundación BBVA.
His research interest lies in quantitative methods in marketing research, and it has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Ethics and Human Resource Management, among others. He has also co-authored, with Prof Ezequiel Uriel, the book Análisis Multivariante Aplicado con R (Applied Multivariate Data Analysis with R) (Paraninfo, 2017). Nowadays he is vice-chancellor of Strategy, Quality and IT of Universitat de València.
His research interest lies in quantitative methods in marketing research, and it has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Ethics and Human Resource Management, among others. He has also co-authored, with Prof Ezequiel Uriel, the book Análisis Multivariante Aplicado con R (Applied Multivariate Data Analysis with R) (Paraninfo, 2017). Nowadays he is vice-chancellor of Strategy, Quality and IT of Universitat de València.
Joaquín Aldás

Full Professor of Marketing and Market Research
University of Valencia
University of Valencia