On Tuesday 8th November, the annual meeting of the highest governing body of the IECO Chair of Business Ethics – University of Valencia took place in which were present, on behalf of the UV, the Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Transfer, Ms. Rosa Donat and the Executive Director of IECO and the Chair, Rita Jácome. In addition, on behalf of two of the three companies, patrons of the Chair attended Raúl Royo, CEO of Royo Group and Fidel García-Guzmán, CEO of Guzmán Global.
At the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor was presented with the Activities Report for the academic year 2021-2022, including the II Humanistic Management Workshop and the co-creation workshop with business executives and managers (May 2022), at the Royal Complutense College of Harvard, the Workshops that took place in Mexico for business people on Work in search of meaning (August 2022), as well as the activities organised within the framework of the Educational Innovation Project FdE Ethics: training future professionals with ethics, among others.
Also were presented the activities planned for the academic year 2022 – 2023 organised by IECO with the support of the IECO-UV Chair of Business Ethics and its companies Patron, RNB, Royo Group and Guzmán Global, in collaboration with national and international academic institutions and entities.
The activities planned for the current academic year are aimed at continuing to foster dialogue between the social sciences and philosophy and to consolidate IECO as an international team of researchers united by the illusion of invigorating the ethical health of society through the promotion of truly human leadership in organisations.
Ultimately, during the Joint Commission (Comisión Mixta), the budgets for 2023 were presented and approved.
More Information: Here
Translated by: Elena Samper