CONFERENCE – Dignity: Why it’s more important than ever
Dignity: Why it’s more important than ever
The International Humanistic Management Association (IHMA), a partner center of IECO, organizes this online activity aimed to professionals interested in implementing humanistic management in businesses. The event on dignity and why it is more important than ever. is part of a Global Dignity’s restoring dignity initiative.
This past year has challenge us all to reevaluate our lives and reimagine our world. A planet where dignity of every person is recognized, valued and honored. And this requires, more than ever, a grater commitment to human dignity.
The lecture will be led by Donna Hicks, one of the leading authorities on dignity and its role in healing, reconciliation and effective leadership. She is an Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University and author of the books Dignity and Leading with Dignity.
The online conference will take place at 11:00 am (EST).
Please, note that this is a free event.